Rev. Dr. Daniel Ahia-Armah, General Overseer

Rev. Dr. Daniel Ahia-Armah, preacher, teacher, motivator and entrepreneur is a Pharmacist by profession and a Pastor by call.
Saved by our Lord Jesus Christ in 1980 through a drama entitled “ETERNITY WHERE?” by the La Christian Fellowship, the then Brother Daniel grew rapidly in the Lord with an overwhelming passion for the kingdom and a clear cut leadership potential. His outstanding desire for holiness, integrity and righteousness earned him an accolade – “Pope”.
In his growing up in the Lord, Rev. Daniel served with humility in various capacities and in different departments as a committed Christian worker willing to do just anything to promote the kingdom of God.
From street evangelism, dawn broadcasts, open air crusades to prison ministry he shared the salvation message with great urgency and passion. The zealous brother Daniel was part of a group of young men that refused to allow Moslems to condemn Christianity in their regular Islamic crusades at the time. Armed with knowledge of the Koran through various courses, Brother Daniel and his group held many open air crusades preaching Jesus both from the Koran and the Bible to stop the adulteration of the gospel by Muslims and to propagate the good news. This hard work paid off when these crusades ultimately resulted in the first ever “Christos-Islam” debate in Ghana, West Africa. Dangerous, volatile and tensed as it was at the time, these events helped to stop Muslim preaching attacks on Christians using the Holy Bible.
In 1986 he was unanimously elected and appointed to the revered and highly respected position of the Scripture Union president of Saint Thomas Aquinas Secondary school his alma mater in Accra, Ghana. This position was a symbol of spiritual and moral authority as well as leadership in schools at the time.
In 1987 Rev. Armah entered active ministry work as part of a seven-member pastoral leadership team spearheading a Holy Ghost-filled church called Normal Christian Life Church. The depths of Rev. Armah’s supernatural encounters and endowments which is copiously evident in his ministry today, took place here.
Normal Christian Life Church metamorphosed into Bible Chapel International. In
1996; Rev. Armah was led to start and establish the first ever branch of the church in Osu, Accra the capital city of Ghana. By the unique grace of God upon His servant, this church grew to over 400 people in three years.
In the year 2002 Rev. Armah was offered the position of general overseer of Bible Chapel International but was led to the contrary by the Holy Ghost and by sound Godly counsel of outstanding men of God. Rev. Armah was then led to establish his own ministry called Kingslight chapel International and was inaugurated by the apostle general, Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah, president and founder of Royal house chapel international churches worldwide.
Rev. Armah has personally pioneered the planting of three churches and has an apostolic oversight of four branches of his ministry in Osu, Adabraka and Kpando in Ghana and Woodbridge, Virginia in the United States of America.
Rev. Armah graduated from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) as a Pharmacist and has over the years graduated into prescribing and dispensing to the body of Christ principles of God's word provided for our lifting. This he does with an amazing practicality and crystal-clear clarity. Cut in the mould of an authority he employs skill and finesse that has won him admiration from audiences in the US, UK and Ghana. The prophetic touch to his ministry makes him a carrier of a unique ministry grace - a typical conference speaker, seminar instructor, series preacher and scripture expositor.
Rev. Armah was the host of a popular Christian radio program called the “unknown friend” whilst a pharmacy student at the KNUST, in Kumasi, Ghana. Rev. Armah was also a brief host of a health program called “The Balm of Health” on Sunny FM in Accra, Ghana. Rev. Armah was again a weekly radio speaker on Sunny FM in an inspirational program called the PILGRIM’S LIGHT broadcasting the message of the cross and affecting many lives, homes, marriages etc in Accra and beyond.
He is also the founder and President of a novelty organization called the Christian Entertainment Inc. (CEI) a Para-church body burdened with the provision of a Godly-alternative in entertainment to compete with the captivating entertainment that the world offers. Rev. Armah’s CEI teamed up with TV 3, a leading TV network in Ghana to organise an annual program called “All Believers’ Valentine Night” a program that enjoyed national attention with a great impact on Christendom.
Pastor Daniel is also the CEO of Tears Away Foundation, a charity organisation established in Ghana for the alleviation of pain and suffering in any form among the peoples of Africa, dealing especially with health, food, shelter and clothing.
He has been in ministry for about twenty two (22) years and carries an infectious burden for soul winning, integrity and holiness. He carries a strong unadulterated message from God with obvious emphasis on faith, hope, character and evangelism.
Pastor Daniel Ahia-Armah is well sought after speaker in revivals, conferences and conventions around the world. In the US, his packed schedule of speaking engagements has taken him to many states and cities with tremendous testimonies and deep seated impact following.
In recognition of over two decades of selfless devotion to the Kingdom of God which has resulted in saved lives, raised leaders, inspired people, established churches, published literature etc, The Cambridge Theological Seminary upon recommendation has in December 2009, conferred on the hard working preacher the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity.
Doctor Daniel Armah is a prolific writer of international dimension and recognition. He has so far authored six (6) powerful inspiring books with a readership fan base dotted around the globe. These books are: “VICTORY TECHNIQUES’’, “GOLIATH CAN FALL”, “RIDING THE WINDS OF CHANGE,” STONE SEAL & SOLDIERS’’ “SEVEN EFFECTS OF PRAYER” and “THE VISITATION OF THE LORD’’.
Three more books are expected from his anointed desk by the end of the first half of 2010.
Doctor Daniel Armah is married to the love of his life; a versatile, anointed and hardworking woman of God called Barbara, also a Pharmacist and blessed with a child by name Charis. Doctor Armah currently co-pastors the church in Woodbridge, Virginia with Barbara, the first lady of Kingslight chapel churches worldwide.
Dr. Armah believes that with God nothing is impossible. He also believes that the church is the only hope and moral example to a dark dying world of corruption. He is a deep, prayerful and fiery preacher who is simply “crazy” for Jesus./